Help us build the national Placemaking Collective
Share your learnings, findings, tools and questions and help others to make better places across Aotearoa!
There are several ways how you can contribute and help us build the collective.
Connect with Others
Connect with others online and share your learnings, projects and discoveries as you go. There are many placemakers around who might need your advice or look for partnership right now! Stay tuned and help us build a network of like-minded people who make places better for people who live, work and play there.
Add to Our Library
Have you checked our resources library yet?
It is all built and collected by Placemaking Aotearoa members and we’d love it to grow! If you created, developed or came across a great placemaking resource (tool, template, book, article, etc.), please contact us and we will add it to our library.
You might even want to write an article for others to read and use... There are plenty of topics and ideas to cover! For example, we’d love an article on how you find like-minded people (local community groups, community centres, libraries, churches, etc). Please write about placemaking things and send it through to us.
Run a Crowd-sourcing Session
Get in touch and we can help you run a virtual crowd-sourcing session with the network.
We’ve got a crowd-sourcing tool template for encouraging people to feed into over time.
Host a Placemaking Hui
Around the middle of the year, each year, the network aims to have a physical get together to meet and share experiences. This is an opportunity for kanohi ki te kanohi, face to face support between network members.
We’ve hosted hui in Papaioea Palmerston North, Tauranga, and are soon to host one in Te Awa Kairangi Hutt Valley. Covid-willing.
Placemaking Hui are free to attend and are a great way for people to come together to check out your hapori. Talk to one of us about hosting one in your neck of the woods in the future!
Have other ideas?
Share them with us, we are looking forward to hearing from you!