
Regional Placemaking Hui

Where: Wellington

Check the link below for the date and location.

Kicking off on 5:30pm for a dinner – get to meet everyone, Helen Kirlew-Smith hosts and welcomes us to Wellington.

The 17th of September will be our interactive day with a mixture of presentations, workshops and discussions.

Isaac Velasco, Hutt City Council’s Urban Design Lead will share a project from his work in Mexico, and workshopping participatory design for Hutt City and time for general placemaking discussions, finishing at 4pm with social drinks.

There is also a little piece of homework for attendees as part of the day which we will send you in advance.

Brought to you by Cyndi Christensen, Claire Allan and Isaac Velasco from Hutt City Council and Helen Kirlew-Smith from Wellington City Council.

More info and RSVP details