Placemaking Assessment Template
Placemaking Assessment Template is designed to help you reflect on what you did as a team and as an individual, how it happened, how well it went and what difference it made as well as what might the possibilities are for next steps.
You could use this as ‘homework’ before a conversation focused on next steps, or run through the most relevant and useful questions together to better understand how, how well and for whom your placemaking efforts have performed/are performing
You could use the most relevant of these questions to frame a conversation, questionnaire, survey or suggestion box. They may also be useful to include or adapt to more visual ways of gathering feedback too, such as by using a rating scale of some sort in public or virtual places.
Placemaking Assessment Template is also available as a physical resource in the handbook for Placemaking Kit Tāmaki Makaurau.
Produced by: Placemaking Aotearoa
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0