Celebrating places and people who make them
The Kūmara Awards began as homegrown event and were initially created to celebrate placemaking across Tāmaki Makaurau. 2020 was the inaugural round!
The initial idea behind the Kūmara Awards was to encourage placemaking that happens throughout the year with a celebration during Placemaking Week. The aim was to keep the awards light and even a bit silly, but still serious, as well as celebratory and fun.
To honour the kūmara vine metaphor, there was no submission form, no voting for your favourites and no celebrity panel to impress.
Five awards were given based on what was being talked about on the placemaking kūmara vine… Our message to placemakers was that, a bit like the kūmara plant, you should nurture your placemaking and get it talked about! Then, you never know, when the time is right, you might just find yourself the happy recipient of a jolly fine (pretty wonderful actually) Kūmara Award!